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Welcome to MinorityPostdoc.org

This is the premier web portal on the minority postdoctoral experience featuring news, articles, resources, and events about jobs, career advice, professional development, funding, fellowships, mentoring, and diversity issues.

DivSch24 Conference Success! Future Webinars

Our 2024 DiverseScholar Postdoctoral Conference (#DivSch24) was a success! Around 30 PhD trainees with 15 speakers, facilitators, and staff participated in our September 6-7 event in Orange County, CA. This seventh conference had professional development sessions, research presentations, and opportunities for recruiting. All activities support our membership in their postdoctoral and professional career exploration especially to diversify academia. We thank sponsors National Institutes of Health, Virginia Tech, and Stanford University.

We will be scheduling online webinars for selected topics so more can learn from our content experts such as about Chalk Talks for faculty job interviews. Members should watch for announcements in our monthly newsletter.

Group photo of attendees of the DiverseScholar Postdoctoral Conference. Roughly 3 rows of a diverse group of people are facing camera. First row of 4 people are sitting with one holding placard of DiverseScholar turtle logo. Around 25 people in second and third rows are standing with some wearing face masks. In lower left corner is the label in yellow text "DivSch24 Conference".

Jobs & Other Advertisements

MinorityPostdoc.org is a niche marketing site with a diverse readership. The Job listings page has a complete roster of institutions who are reaching out to expand the diversity of their candidate applicant pools for professional/faculty or graduate/postdoc positions. Below is a subset of our advertisers.

Chris Blagden, Ph.D., and Ivonne Vidal Pizarro, Ph.D.
This article was originally published in 2007.

Tips on Decision Making, Applying, and Interviewing for the All-Important Postdoc

October 31 2024 - November 2 2024
: Phoenix, AZ
Studies in Graduate and Postdoctoral Education 13(2):221-241

The authors find that community recognition mediates the negative relationship between perceived discrimination and postdoctoral scholars’ science identities.

Our Contact List has 1,000+ Emails!

Our Monthly Newsletter Contact List has over 1,000 emails! To put that number in perspective, NSF estimates that there are only 3,000 underrepresented minority postdocs in the USA. The word clouds below show the institutions and names present in our email contact list.

names of Doctoral Directory members institutions of Doctoral Directory members