2025 Diversity Events Calendar
Here are diversity, academia, and S.T.E.M. events* of interest to our readers. The calendar is available as a separate full-screen window and in iCal format. Our Stakeholders page is a roster of diversity professional societies and events alphabetized by cultural mission.
Event | Location | Dates | Link |
National Association of Mathematicians | WA, Seatle | 01/08-01/11 | NAM |
Association for Women in Mathematics | WA, Seattle | 01/08-01/11 | AWM |
Field Inclusive | Online, | 01/12-01/18 | FieldInclusive |
Afrikan Black Coalition | CA, San Luis Obispo | 01/17-01/20 | ABC |
TechIntersections | CA, Oakland | 01/25-01/25 | TI |
Students of Color Conference | CA, Berkeley | 01/31-02/02 | SOCC |
Understanding Interventions | MD, Baltimore | 02/07-02/08 | UI |
University of California - Leadership Excellence Through Advanced Degrees Program Symposium | CA, Los Angeles | 03/01-03/01 | UCLEADS |
National Association of Diversity Officers in Higher Education | IL, Chicago | 03/05-03/08 | NADOHE |
National Society of Black Engineers | IL, Chicago | 03/05-03/09 | NSBE |
Latinx in the Mathematical Sciences Conference | CA, Los Angeles | 03/06-03/08 | LatMath |
American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education | CO, Denver | 03/07-03/09 | AAHHE |
American Indian Higher Education Consortium (Spring) | SD, Rapid City | 03/08-03/12 | AIHEC |
Alliance of Hispanic Serving Institution Educators | IL, Chicago | 03/09-03/12 | AHSIE |
CSUN Assistive Technology Conference | CA, Anaheim | 03/10-03/14 | CSUN |
African American Intellectual History Society | RI, Providence | 03/14-03/15 | AAIHS |
PhD Project | IL, Chicago | 03/20-03/21 | PhDP |
Association of Computer/Information Sciences and Engineering Departments at Minority Institutions | NC, Charlotte | 03/27-03/30 | ADMI |
American Association of Blacks in Higher Education | MD, National Harbor | 03/29-04/01 | AABHE |
New England Science Symposium | MA, Boston | 03/30-03/30 | NESS |
National Association for Chicana and Chicano Studies | NM, Albuquerque | 04/02-04/05 | NACCS |
Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Related Sciences | TN, Memphis | 04/02-04/06 | MANRRS |
Emerging Researchers National Conference in STEM | GA, Atlanta | 04/04-04/06 | ERN |
Asian Pacific Americans in Higher Education Conference | CA, Oakland | 04/09-04/11 | APAHE |
Association for Asian American Studies | MA, Boston | 04/17-04/19 | AAAS |
American Association of Blacks in Energy | GA, Atlanta | 04/28-05/02 | AABE |
Latin American Studies Association | CA, San Francisco | 05/23-05/26 | LASA |
National Conference on Race and Ethnicity in American Higher Education | NY, New York | 05/27-05/31 | NCORE |
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