Join us at the annual Emerging Researchers National Conference in STEM (#ERN2023) occurring February 9 to 11 in Washington, DC. We are organizing the session "#BlackInSTEM Communities Show How Social Media Can Build STEM Career Support."
Social media allows minorities in the sciences to build support networks. The activities of new communities such as #BlackInMicro(biology), #BlackInNeuro(science), and #BlackInChem(istry) celebrate diversity in STEM, help scientists in their careers, and use science communication strategies to reach a public audience. Students attending this panel will learn about the benefits of social media skills especially for community-building among peers. Join us if you are interested in engaging with an existing #BlackInSTEM activity or creating one for your own STEM discipline.
Alberto Roca, Ph.D. (pictured on left of photo)
Executive Director, DiverseScholar;
Director, SciCommDiversity project; @MinorityPostdoc
Chloe Poston, Ph.D.
Associate Vice President for Strategic Initiatives, Dartmouth College,
(Former) Manager, Science Communication Trainers Network
Diversity Stakeholders calendar
M.-J. Garcia & A.I. Roca (2021) New #BlackInSTEM Communities Celebrate and Support Black Voices, DiverseScholar, 12:2
C. Mallenbaum (2020) #BlackBirdersWeek, #BlackInNeuro: Black scientists, physicians are using hashtags to uplift, USA Today, August 4
L.C. Pérez-Angel & A.I. Roca (2022) How Latinx Scientists are Breaking Communication Barriers in STEM for Our Comunidad, DiverseScholar, 13:3
A.I. Roca (2018) Minorities & Allies using Social Media to Diversify Science, DiverseScholar, 9:4
Chapter from 2016 book "Science Blogging: The Essential Guide".