Type of Institution
New York University
Job Ads
Active ads are linked to descriptions. Unlinked ads are no longer active.
- Bersoff Faculty Fellow in Philosophy
- Assistant Professor of Biology and Neural Science
- Assistant Professor (Tenure-Track) Ecological and Evolutionary Biology
- Assistant Professor of Biology, Ecology/Evolution
- Faculty Position in Brain and Behavior
- Open-rank Faculty Position in Computational Neuroscience
- Contract Faculty position in Biotechnology
- Associate or Full Professor, Moral and/or Political Philosophy
- Tenured/Tenure-Track Faculty Positions in Neural Engineering
- Contract Faculty position in Biology in the Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
- Faculty Positions in Social Psychology
- Tenured/Tenure-Track Faculty Positions in Neural-Cell-and-Tissue Engineering and Regeneration
- Clinical Assistant Professor, with a focus on Environmental Justice, XE: Experimental Humanities & Social Engagement
- Tenured/Tenure-Track Faculty Position, Neural Engineering
- Faculty Positions in Cognition, Social Psychology, and Social Cognitive Science
- Associate or Full Professor, History of Philosophy
- Tenure-Track Faculty Position, Center for Neural Science
- Assistant Professor in the Neural Basis of Cognition (Tenure-Track, Joint Psychology/Neural Science)
- Contract Faculty, Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
- Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of French Literature, Thought and Culture
- Assistant Professor - Social Media and Computational Social Science
- Assistant Professor of Computational Biology
- Visiting Clinical Assistant Professor of French
- Bersoff Faculty Fellow, Philosophy
- Tenured/Tenure-Track Faculty Position, Rehabilitation Engineering
- Assistant Professor (Tenure-Track), Environmental Studies
- Associate or Full Professor, Metaphysics and Epistemology, broadly construed
- Tenure-Track Faculty Position in Systems Neuroscience
- Clinical Assistant Professor
- Assistant Professor - History of Philosophy
- Faculty Fellow in Music and Sound Studies
- Visiting Clinical Assistant Professor
- Assistant Professor - Molecular, Cellular, Developmental and Organismal Biology
- Assistant Professors (Tenure-Track), Environmental Studies, NYU Faculty of Arts and Science
- Two Assistant Professor Positions: Queer Studies / Political Economy
- Financial & Economic Data Analysis Librarian
- Bersoff Faculty Fellow, Department of Philosophy
- Faculty Positions in Cognition and Perception (Cognitive Neuroscience)
- Research Fellow / Postdoctoral Fellow - Developing strategies for public engagement with flood-related data for equitable climate change adaptation
- Assistant Professor - Metaphysics and Epistemology - up to 2 positions
- Tenure Track – Junior Faculty Search Psychology
- Tenured/Tenure-Track Faculty (Open Rank), Center for Neural Science
- Assistant Professor – Multiple positions, Department of Philosophy
- School of Law Dean
- Bersoff Faculty Fellow, Department of Philosophy
- Visiting Faculty, Department of Finance and Risk Engineering
- Postdoctoral Faculty Fellow, Writing and Arts & Cultures
- Joint Faculty and Research Scientist Position in Computational Neuroscience
- Assistant Professor of Psychology and Data Science (Tenure-Track)
- Visiting Faculty, Introduction to Engineering and Design
- Assistant Professor/Tenure Track Position in Religious Studies
- Part-Time Instructor in Management of Information Technology & Systems, Data Communication, and Networking
- Visiting Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
- Bersoff Philosophy Faculty Fellow
- Part-Time Adjunct Instructor, Department of Applied Physics
- Center for Data Science Moore-Sloan Faculty Fellow
- 2 French Language Lecturers
- Tenure-Track Positions in Artificial Intelligence
- Lecturer of Applied Physics
- Contract Faculty and Department Chair, Department of Applied Physics
- Colton-Center for Data Science Faculty Fellow
- Part-Time Instructor in Management Science
- Part-Time Instructor in Management Science
- Contract Faculty, Biochemistry/Protein Structure/Engineering
- Tenure-Track Assistant/Associate Professor in Biomedical Engineering
- Contract Faculty in Physiology
- Tandon Faculty First Look Fellow
- Contract Faculty in Technology Management and Innovation
- Visiting Faculty of Technology Management
- Full Time Clinical Assistant/Associate Professor in Visual Arts
- Assistant or Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy
- Contract Faculty in Cell and Molecular Biology, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
- Faculty Positions in Cognition and Perception (Cognitive Neuroscience)
- Bersoff Faculty Fellow, Department of Philosophy
- Open Rank Faculty Position in Medical Image Analysis and Computer Vision
- TWO Postdoctoral Faculty Fellows, Liberal Studies
- Assistant Professor, Department of French Literature, Thought and Culture
- Joint Faculty Position Open Rank (Tenured/ Tenure Track) Center For Neural Science & Center For Data Science
- Language Lecturer in Modern Hebrew Language
- Contract Faculty, Department of Applied Physics
- Faculty, Department of Biomedical Engineering
- Tenure-Track Faculty Position, The Center for Neural Science
- Cluster Hire of Tenure Track Faculty in Urban Science and Engineering
- Contract Faculty in Physiology, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
- Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies Faculty Fellow
- Language Lecturer in Modern Hebrew Language
- Assistant Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (Thermal/Fluids/Energy Area)
- Assistant Professor of Music
- Assistant Professor in Modern Hebrew Literature
- Postdoctoral Faculty Fellow, Liberal Studies
- Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (Biomechanical and Biosystems Thrust)
- Vice Dean for Research and Industrial Partnerships
- Tenure-track or Tenured Associate or Full Professor in Tissue Engineering / Repair Research
- Faculty Position in Cognition and Perception (Cognitive Neuroscience)
- Faculty, Ethics & Engineering
- Joint Neural Science Faculty Position - Open rank (tenured/tenure track)
- Full Time Contract Faculty, Department of Biomedical Engineering
- Bersoff Faculty Fellow, Department of Philosophy
- Associate or Full Professor, Department of French Literature
- Inaugural Chair, Department of Biomedical Engineering
- Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy
- Tenure-Track or Tenured Professor, Department of Finance and Risk Engineering
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