
Visiting Faculty, Department of Finance and Risk Engineering

The Department of Finance and Risk Engineering at the New York University (NYU) Tandon School of Engineering invites applications for a full time, visiting faculty position in Financial Engineering, at the level of Visiting Assistant, Associate or Full Professor, with a start date of August 1, 2021. The position will be for one academic year, with a renewal option for a further year.

Assistant/Associate Professor Position, Environmental and Molecular Epidemiology

The Department of Environmental and Occupational Health, Graduate School Public Health (GSPH) invites applications for a tenured/tenure-stream faculty position at the Assistant/Associate Professor level. We are seeking a qualified candidate, Ph.D. and/or M.D., with a demonstrated record of excellence in research and training in environmental health sciences.

(Open Rank) Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical and Computer Engineering, or Information Technology

The Viterbi School of Engineering ( at the University of Southern California (USC) seeks outstanding individuals to fill anticipated openings for tenured, tenure-track, teaching track, and research track positions at all levels in the following academic areas:

TWO Tenure-Track Faculty Positions in Chemistry and Chemical Biology

Position Summary: The Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology in the College of Science at Northeastern University is seeking candidates for two tenure-track faculty positions at the rank of Assistant Professor beginning in academic year 2021-2022. Exceptional senior candidates will be considered for appointment at higher ranks. Joint or affiliated appointments with other departments may be possible.