
Postdoctoral Associate in Neurogenetics and Psychiatric Genomics

Postdoc and postgrad positions are available in Montalvo-Ortiz lab at Yale Department of Psychiatry, Division of Human Genetics. The primary research focus is the study of genomics and epigenomics of psychiatric disorders in human peripheral and postmortem brain tissue. We also investigate psychiatric genomics in admixed Latinx populations.

Lab Website:

Postdoctoral Research Associate in Environmental Studies

Bates College seeks a Postdoctoral Research Associate to become a key collaborator in a cross-state interdisciplinary project using robotics, traditional limnological sampling, high-frequency data, and machine learning to predict cyanobacterial blooms. This person will coordinate fieldwork and laboratory analyses across multiple sites and labs and work with and facilitate the participation of people with a variety of educational backgrounds and experience.

Katharine H. Putnam Fellowships in Plant Science

The Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University invites applicants for research fellowships in plant science. Putnam Fellowships offer excellent opportunities for advanced research and study using the Arboretum’s living collections of woody plants. Scientists with a PhD and who have identified an independent research project that would utilize the Arboretum’s living collections are encouraged to apply.

Postdoctoral Fellowship on the Biology of Aging and Age-Related Diseases T32

The Biology of Aging and Age-Related Diseases NIH/NIA T32 training program is led by Dr. Sanjay Asthana and Dr. Rozalyn Anderson. Our training program and expert mentoring team covers the spectrum of aging research, from basic mechanisms of aging to biology of age-related disease, and translational studies of preventative interventions and clinical application.