
Postdoctoral Scholar Training for Academic Careers in Biomedical Research

We would like to tell you about an exciting postdoctoral training program at Tufts University in Boston, Massachusetts. This program, called Tufts IRACDA (Institutional Research and Academic Career Development Awards Program), is funded by the IRACDA mechanism of NIH-NIGMS. Tufts IRACDA is designed to prepare postdoctoral trainees for the multiple demands of an academic career in biomedical research.

Tandon Faculty First Look Fellow

The New York University (NYU) Tandon School of Engineering invites scholars currently underrepresented in engineering fields who are nearing completion of their PhDs or who are in postdoctoral positions to apply for Tandon Faculty First Look Fellowships.

Fellows will have the opportunity to present and receive feedback on their ongoing research, engage with NYU faculty from a range of engineering disciplines, and participate in workshops designed to help them advance their careers.

Postdoctoral Training Program in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research

The Waisman Center at the University of Wisconsin-Madison is recruiting postdoctoral trainees for its NICHD-funded Postdoctoral Training Program in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research. Appointments will be for 2 years beginning in the summer of 2021. The program provides multidisciplinary training with an emphasis on social affective processes, communication, family processes, epidemiology, genetics, and biobehavioral research on intellectual and developmental disabilities.