
Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Initiative on Race and Resilience

The Notre Dame’s Initiative on Race and Resilience (IRR) invites applications for a two-year postdoctoral fellowship to be located in the Department of Africana Studies, beginning in August 2025. The successful candidate will teach one course per semester, pursue a program of independent research, and participate in a scholarly working group addressing multiracial democracy. The fellow is expected to be in residence.

Virtual Postdoc Preview - March 12

The Office of University Postdoctoral Affairs (OUPA) is excited to announce a Virtual Postdoc Preview for individuals interested in learning more about postdoctoral training at Brown University. This event is scheduled for Wednesday, March 12, 2025, from noon to 2:00 p.m. Eastern Time via Zoom.

This event is aimed at advanced PhD students and current postdoctoral scholars within 1-2 years of doctoral degree completion.

The agenda will include:

Instructional Assistant Professor - The Human Situation

The Honors College at the University of Houston (UH) invites applications for two Instructional Assistant Professors to begin in Fall 2025. The positions are full-time, non-tenure track, and benefits-eligible.

We seek applicants with experience teaching core texts and major works within a great books approach. We prefer applicants for these two positions with specializations in either Biblical Studies or Early Modern History. A Ph.D. completed by Spring 2025 is required. Salary will be commensurate with experience.

Associate or Full Professor, Moral and/or Political Philosophy

Arts & Science

The Department of Philosophy of New York University (NYU) ( invites applications for a faculty position at the rank of Associate Professor (with tenure) or Full Professor. Areas of specialization: Moral and/or political philosophy. Areas of competence: Open. The start date is September 1, 2025. This position is pending administrative and budgetary approval.